Sex Charges Against Merrill Man

$35,000 cash bond was set for a Merrill man who is accused of sex crimes against young girls. According to news reports, Corey Adams, 35, has been charged with 10 felony counts, as follows; Repeated Sexual Assault of Same Child (3 or more 1st degree acts) Incest with Child Exposing Genitals or Pubic Area to a Child (2 cases) Expose Child to Harmful Material (2 cases) Child Enticement - Give/Sell Drugs Child Enticement - Expose Sex Organ Cause Child 13-18 to View Sexual Activity Causing Mental Harm to Child These are within 4 open felony cases in Lincoln County. There are 4 alleged victims that range in age from 10 to 16 years old. There may be more victims also.


Wow, this does not sound good at all. How sad, and I hope if the guy did do it that he gets a lifetime behind bars. Poor kids

anybody know what happened to his cases?

There is a sentencing hearing scheduled for Nov. 11 at 1:15pm. A no contest plea was entered on 06/17/2013.

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